The CAN DO Community Foundation is locally owned and sponsored.
Originated in 1992 through the efforts of CAN DO, Inc. (the Community Area New Development Organization), the Foundation is a not-for-profit organization exempt for federal income tax under Section 501C(3) under the Internal Revenue Code and is designated a public charity.
Through this authority, the Foundation supports worthwhile community projects that can make a difference and improve the Greater Hazleton community. The Foundation attracts and manages funds from a broad spectrum of donors with the desire to have their gift applied to CPR with the ultimate goal of making a positive difference to the present and future well-being of the Hazleton area.
Click here to visit our websiteThe mission of the CAN DO Community Foundation is “Conservation, Preservation and Reclamation (CPR) – Breathing new life into the community.”
Initiated with a start-up grant from CAN DO, the endowment has grown from numerous sources, including the donation of real estate property, individual and corporate gifts, memorial donations and investment income.
The CAN DO Community Foundation has refocused its mission to "CPR." Initially, the Foundation played a role in numerous initiatives to improve the quality of life for the Greater Hazleton community. Penn State Hazleton received a grant for the campus scholarship endowment campaign. MMI Preparatory School received a grant to support its capital campaign. The Foundation supported the Greater Hazleton YM/YWCA campaign that allowed the existing facility to be renovated and expanded to meet the growing needs and uses of all segments and age groups in the community. Other grants have been made to civic and educational organizations in Greater Hazleton.
The CAN DO Community Foundation will continue to flourish because of the generosity of individuals, businesses and other foundations who share in the commitment to make a positive difference in creating a healthier community – now and for future generations.