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One S. Church Street, Suite 200, Hazleton, PA 18201      
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can-do-community-foundation-officersThe CAN DO Community Foundation held its 18th annual meeting, where officers were elected and accomplishments highlighted.

During the meeting, foundation President Gary F. Lamont recognized the members of the board, volunteers, the community and CAN DO for their contribution of time, talent and resources to the foundation during the past year.

The foundation presented several student awards during the year. For the second year, the Joseph Yenchko Awards were presented for area students to attend Ferrwood Music Camp. The awards were named for CAN DO’s first employee, who passed away in 2008. Also, the foundation will again award its Penn State Hazleton scholarship. This year’s recipient is Marcella Vanriper of Weatherly.

This year, the foundation presented the eighth annual Edgar L. Dessen Community Service Award scholarships to five students from the high schools that serve Greater Hazleton.

Board member and Chairman of the Annual Fund Drive Robert J. Moisey shared the results of another successful fund drive, which exceeded its goal in spite of a difficult economy. Moisey expressed appreciation for the individuals and businesses in the community for their contributions to the campaign. He, along with the board members and Assistant Secretary Nancy Stasko, were recognized for their efforts in the drive.

At the meeting, the following people were elected as directors of the board: Matthew B. Bayzick; Earl C. Berger; Paul Cerula; Joseph M. DeBias; Edgar L. Dessen, M.D.; Eugene M. Dougherty; Terrance M. Eyerly, D.C.; George R. Hludzik, Esq.; Gary F. Lamont; Robert Moisey; E. Richard Moore; Herbert D. Nash; W. Kevin O’Donnell; Donald M. Pachence; E. Thomas Sandrock; John J. Spevak; Arthur D. Sweeney and John H. Wright Jr.

Officers elected were: Gary F. Lamont, president; Matthew B. Bayzick, vice president; Terrance M. Eyerly, secretary; Donald M. Pachence, treasurer; Nancy R. Stasko, assistant secretary; and
W. Kevin O’Donnell.