Work on Route 924 is nearing completion ahead of schedule, according to Patricia Fritsky, construction manager with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Phase 2 of the roadwork project has improved and widened Route 924 from Commerce Drive to Scotch Pine Drive through Humboldt Industrial Park. The road has been widened from two to five lanes, which includes turning lanes in some areas. The project also includes new drainage, curbing, pavement markings and road signs and signals.
“The area currently under construction should be open to its full width by mid to late September. In early October, we will put the final overlay on the road,” Fritsky said.
The project will be considered complete in November after PennDOT attends to the final details, Fritsky said.
Work on Phase 2 began in May 2009. Phase 1, which included widening and improving Route 924 near its intersection with Interstate 81 to Commerce Drive, was completed at the end of 2007.
CAN DO President Kevin O’Donnell said, “With thousands of people traveling Route 924 each day to get to work in Humboldt Industrial Park, as well as other traffic, this project was extremely important. We eagerly anticipate its completion, along with the better traffic flow and park access it will provide.”