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News and information about CAN DO for the community, investors, volunteers and board members.

CAN-DO-xMAS-2010-3150(Hazleton, PA – December 2, 2010) – Hundreds of children and adults enjoyed a festive kickoff to the holiday season during the 18th annual CAN DO Community Christmas on Thursday evening.

The event was held at the J.J. Ferrara Performing Arts Center in downtown Hazleton. CAN DO Community Christmas is coordinated by CAN DO’s Student Action Committee, which is made up of local high school students who plan and assist with special community projects throughout the year. Committee members Susan Funk and Yanira Paulino served as this year’s co-chairs for CAN DO Community Christmas.

cando-foundation-socha-1058(Hazleton, PA – November 17, 2010) – The CAN DO Community Foundation recently presented Bernie Socha with a resolution recognizing him for his efforts in restoring the Ferrwood Music Camp. Foundation President Gary F. Lamont and CAN DO President Kevin O’Donnell made the presentation to Socha.

The CAN DO Community Foundation’s mission in achieving its primary charter focuses on project requirements of Conservation, Preservation and Reclamation with a slogan of “CPR – Breathing New Life into our Community.”

cando-christmas-teachers-1676(Hazleton, PA – November 15, 2010) – For the 18th consecutive year, the CAN DO Community Christmas will kick off the holiday season in downtown Hazleton.

The public is invited to the musical festivities, which will be held on Thursday, Dec. 2, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the J.J. Ferrara Performing Arts Center, 212 W. Broad St., Hazleton. Admission to Community Christmas is free and the CAN DO Student Action Committee, which coordinates the event, will serve light refreshments.

CAN DO, Inc., Greater Hazleton’s economic development agency, has been approved as an area loan organization for Luzerne County by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development.

The designation means that CAN DO is able to secure financing for many different types of small businesses throughout Luzerne County. The funding can be used for a variety of business needs, including start-up, expansion and working capital.

operation-cando-1839-group(Freeland, PA – November 4, 2010) – After months of planning and weeks of collecting donations, members of the CAN DO Student Action Committee on Thursday delivered thousands of items donated by businesses and individuals throughout Greater Hazleton as part of the annual “Operation: CAN DO” drive.

The food, books and personal care items, delivered to American Legion Post 473 in Freeland, will be used to create care packages that will be delivered to men and women serving in the armed forces in the Middle East with ties to Greater Hazleton.

group-op-cando-freeland-1611Students at Freeland Elementary/Middle School have spent the past month working hard to help make the upcoming holidays a little happier for local military personnel stationed overseas.

Members of the Freeland Builders Club were working to support “Operation: CAN DO,” a project of the CAN DO Student Action Committee to collect food, entertainment and hygiene items for servicemen and women.

As part of its ongoing series of community service events, the CAN DO Student Action Committee is organizing the sixth annual Operation: CAN DO program to collect goods and funds that will be used to create care packages for troops stationed in the Middle East. The packages will be delivered to troops who have ties to Greater Hazleton in cooperation with American Legion Home Association Post 473 in Freeland. Co-chairs for this year’s Operation: CAN DO are Matt Caccese, Weatherly Area High School; George Gera, MMI Preparatory School; and Stephen Senick, Hazleton Area High School.

As part of its ongoing series of community service events, the CAN DO Student Action Committee is organizing the sixth annual Operation: CAN DO program to collect goods and funds that will be used to create care packages for troops stationed in the Middle East. The packages will be delivered to troops who have ties to Greater Hazleton in cooperation with American Legion Home Association Post 473 in Freeland. Co-chairs for this year’s Operation: CAN DO are Matt Caccese, Weatherly Area High School; George Gera, MMI Preparatory School; and Stephen Senick, Hazleton Area High School.

June was a busy month for Humboldt Station, as both Burger King and Sonic opened their doors on consecutive days. Burger King began serving the public on June 8, and Sonic followed on June 9.

“Burger King and Sonic will provide new dining options for the 7,000 employees in Humboldt Industrial Park and the thousands of people who travel the busy Interstate 81 corridor each day,” CAN DO President Kevin O’Donnell said.

CAN DO has launched a redesigned website at

The site includes information for the Hazleton community as well as real estate professionals considering Greater Hazleton as a location for their business. It features property search capabilities, park maps and community and demographic information. Visitors can also learn more about the various industry clusters in CAN DO parks and Greater Hazleton, including the food service industry, plastics industry, distribution and logistics cluster and back office/business continuity cluster.